City Florals - A Behind the Scenes Look

City Florals - A Behind the Scenes Look

Hello Beauties!

If you haven't had a chance to check out our newest creation "City Florals" you can find the video at the bottom of this post as well as our FB page. We really hope you guys love it as much as we do!

Jared Pierson of Full Frame FX brought us the concept, and our creative director Blair jumped on board, as well as up and down with glee, and helped him run with it. His idea brought our apparel to life with videography, in a way that flat product stills just can’t.

Because we can't get enough of this video, we wanted to share a couple of behind the scenes snapshots, as well as a few beautiful images captured during the shoot.

Necklace | Pearl Peplum Top (arriving soon)

Earrings | Blouse | Rings | Pants

Top | Bracelets

Earrings | Bracelet | Dress


We also sat down with Jared and Blair to find out what went into the collaboration and how they feel about the finished product.


 What was your inspiration for this project? Concept for Jared and Styling for Blair?

(J) - I wanted to do something different. I wanted to create fashion cinematography.

(B) - I saw this as an opportunity to show our audience how wearable some of our most boldly printed garments are. I loved getting to showcase our clothes against the backdrop of the real world.

How do you feel about the final product? Did it turn out how you hoped?

(B) - I am thrilled with the final product! I think there are always things to learn and ways to grow therefore the next one will only be better for it. I'm a pretty confident person when it comes to my artistic vision but I'm also always looking to expand and learn more. Sometimes you try to capture a shot that looked good in your mind and it simply doesn't work. But even when that happens there is usually a lesson to be learned which only makes you better. Plus sometimes you have an idea and you are able to capture it perfectly or even better than you had in mind, and when that happens It's so incredibly fulfilling. Even the most confident person needs a little reassurance sometimes that their ideas are good and that they are on the right track. Both the wins and the lessons just make me excited to get out and do another one! So how can I not be satisfied with that?

What was your biggest challenge during this project?

(J) - My biggest challenge was being a one man crew in terms of getting the content. I wanted images and video for this. It was definitely a challenge but worth it.

(B) - How we went about shooting would probably be a challenge for most. I happen to feel at home in a “guerrilla style” shooting experience. I love the fast pace and the excitement of winging it. No amount of planning can truly prepare you for what you will discover when you are in a particular location for the first time. Sometimes it's challenging when you start to shoot from a certain vantage point or with a particular backdrop in mind, and it doesn't work the way you hoped. But if you are willing to experiment and really play within the location, magic can happen.

Why and/or how did you come to choose the location where the video was shot?

(J) - I knew you couldn’t go wrong with a downtown backdrop.

(B) - I loved the the juxtaposition of placing our ultra feminine shapes, and bold but soft floral prints against the hard, cold, corporate backdrop of 9-5, Monday through Friday, downtown Houston. I think the clothes popped off the background while simultaneously reading wearable and relatable.

What was your favorite part of the process or day?

(J) - My favorite part IS the process. It’s the whole deal. Having said that, it’s really rewarding to see it all come together in post production.

(B) - I love it all! Work doesn't feel like work (even when you are sweating) when you love it so much.

Is video harder or easier than photography? How are they different? Likes and dislikes about each?

(J) - I respect them both in their own right. Cinematography is it’s own beast but they’re connected in light. I love them both really.

What is it like working with Blair/Jared?

(J) - Blair is a big ball of really dense energy! [He laughs] There’s just so much creativity and perfection in her head that I feel she might burst one day! #supernova pleasure working with her!

(B) - I love that Jared lets me spew all my crazy ideas and opinions all over the place without getting overwhelmed-- or at least without showing it.. Sometimes when you get artists together there can be a clash of ego but Jared really respects what each of us bring to the table, and he has just as much passion for projects like this as I do. Plus Jared has a great sense of humor. We always manage to fit some laughter in so it makes it fun.

Do you have any plans to work on more projects like this in the future?

(J) - More projects!

(B) - Absolutely! I hope to make more video content like this for every season. I just think it is so fun and even necessary to get to bring the clothes to life this way.

Were there any funny things or mishaps that happened on set?

(B) - I did have people stop me to ask me if our model Victoria was famous. I don't think Houstonians are used to having their walk to work turned into a film set.

Anything else you want to say about the project or experience? 

(J) - This was really fun! Thanks to Blair and Pippa & Pearl for being willing to participate. Thanks to our model Victoria for being so patient with us!

(B) - Yes, Victoria was such a rockstar!! Thanks to Jared for bringing us the opportunity for collaboration, I had a blast! I’m very proud of what we were able to create.